Astberrys are experts in the management of blocks of flats. We understand the law and practice in all of the following areas-

Service Charges

  • Preparing and sending out service charge and ground rent demands in accordance with the terms of each lease and the relevant statutory provisions.
  • Monitoring to ensure that each lessee pays in accordance with the demands, referring any continued non payment to the freeholder and solicitors, if necessary.
  • Preparing the draft annual service charge budget for the freeholder’s approval.
  • Administering the service charge and reserve funds and ensuring that the money is held in secure client accounts specifically set up for the property.
  • Liaising with the accountants to ensure the swift preparation of accurate service charge accounts at the end of the service charge year.

Building Management

  • Inspecting the property regularly, advising on its condition and the application of any statutory requirements in particular health and safety risks.
  • Engaging and supervising suitable contractors so as to ensure the proper maintenance of the property to include cleaning the common parts, threshold and any outside steps, the maintenance of proper lighting and fire detection systems, the proper functioning of any entry phone system and lift and the general supervision and observation of the exterior, its pipes and roofs so as to ensure that the property is watertight and safe.
  • Arranging for the payment of all invoices whether of a recurring nature or for individual services from the service charge account with a proper and accurate record being kept.
  • Attending to any reasonable enquiries made by the freeholder relating to the maintenance and condition of the property, including attendance at meetings.
  • Arranging through a reputable insurance broker, regulated under the Financial Services Act, building insurance in a sum to reflect the reinstatement cost of the property and engaging the services of a chartered surveyor to advise on valuation.
  • Investigating any breach of covenant in the lease and writing to any lessee requiring remedy of any breach, referring any continued breach to the freeholder and solicitors, if necessary.

Major Works

  • Depending on the nature and complexity of the works, arranging for the preparation of a specification and supervision by a chartered surveyor, preparing and sending the tender documents to suitable contractors, taking up any references provided and arranging for payment for the works from the service charge account with a proper and accurate record being kept.
  • Preparing and serving all notices on each individual lessee in accordance with the Service Charges (Consultation Requirements) Regulations 2003.

Company secretarial and other services

  • Filling the annual return and company accounts, administrating the share transfer register and allowing our offices to be used as the registered address of any freehold company.
  • Responding to pre contract sales enquires, dealing with licences for alterations and variation, permission for subletting and party wall matters.